Issue a plan to implement "Action Month for Food Safety" in 2023

Issue a plan to implement "Action Month for Food Safety" in 2023

Implementing Directive No. 17-CT/TW dated October 21, 2022 of the Secretariat on "Strengthening security and food safety in the new situation", Directive No. 34/CT-TTg dated November 11 December 2014 of the Prime Minister on continuing to promote the work of ensuring food safety and preventing food poisoning in the new situation, in which every year ministries, branches and localities organize "March March". movement for food safety".

Based on the actual work of ensuring food safety, the Central Inter-sectoral Steering Committee on Food Safety issued a Plan to implement "Action Month for Food Safety" in 2023 (hereinafter referred to as Action Month for short). dynamic) as follows:


1. Reason for choosing topic:

– The work of ensuring security and food safety has received the attention and leadership of the entire political system from the Central to localities, creating clear changes and achieving important achievements. important in all fields. Legal documents serving food safety management have been reviewed and supplemented to meet domestic management requirements and international integration.

– Awareness and responsibility of party committees, authorities, unions, production and business establishments and people regarding food safety have changed positively; The health and rights of consumers are concerned. Initial steps to form clean raw material areas and safe food supply chains.

– Besides, the work of ensuring food safety also reveals many inadequacies and limitations in directing, inspecting and supervising the work of ensuring food safety. Many production and business establishments violate food safety regulations; The situation of food smuggling across borders, false food advertising, abuse of pesticides, veterinary drugs, and growth stimulants is becoming complicated; Food safety in industrial parks and educational establishments is not guaranteed... greatly affecting security and food safety. In the context that the Covid epidemic is still at risk, import markets have increased technical barriers (in addition to food safety barriers, additional barriers against the Covid epidemic have been added...) leading to the consumption of agricultural and forestry products. Fisheries face many difficulties.

– Identifying food security and safety issues as important, urgent, and long-term issues; direct impact on people's health and the quality of the nation's race. The Secretariat issued Directive No. 17-CT/TW dated October 21, 2022 of the Secretariat on "Strengthening security and food safety in the new situation".

2. Topic:

To put the Directive into practice and further strengthen the roles and responsibilities of authorities at all levels, managers, food producers and traders, the Central Inter-sectoral Steering Committee on Food Safety chooses the main The title of Action Month for Food Safety 2023 is: “Ensuring security and food safety in the new situation".


1. Promote propaganda, education, raise awareness, determine the responsibilities and actions of party committees, party organizations, officials, party members and people in ensuring food security and safety; Promote the roles and responsibilities of organizations, individuals and businesses in enforcing food safety laws; Timely information on safe, high-quality food supply chains, violating establishments, potential risks of insecurity and food safety.

2. Strengthen inspection, examination and supervision of food security and safety assurance; resolutely fight, prevent and strictly handle organizations, individuals, production and business establishments that violate regulations on security and food safety; Highlight the role of governments at all levels, management agencies, social organizations and consumer supervision in compliance with food safety laws for individuals and production facilities. , food business.

3. Improve capacity to prevent and proactively handle food poisoning and food-borne diseases; Minimize poisoning due to unsafe food consumption.


– Time: From April 15 to May 15, 2023.

– Deployment scope: Nationwide.


1. In addition to regular activities on ensuring food safety, "Action Month" 2023 is a highlight of the year, creating a climax and launching a communication campaign to comply with legal regulations. Law on food safety in food production and business activities; Minimize violations in food production and business; proactively prevent food contamination, minimize food poisoning, especially cases of food poisoning that many people suffer from using unsafe food products.

2. Attach responsibilities to People's Committees at all levels to focus on direction and resource allocation for food safety assurance; Improve the effectiveness of coordination between local authorities, functional agencies and socio-political organizations in ensuring food safety; Promote the sense of responsibility to the community of individuals, production and business organizations, and consumers for ensuring food safety.

3. With the main theme of 2023 as stated, the main activities are implemented as follows:

3.1. Organize the implementation of "Action Month"

– At Central: Members of the Central Inter-sectoral Steering Committee on Food Safety, ministries and branches attended the conference and launching ceremony of the 2023 "Action Month" of localities.

– At the local level: Localities base on the reality and epidemic situation in the area to organize (conferences or launching ceremonies or other forms) to disseminate the implementation of "Action Month" in the provinces. /central cities; City under province/town/district/district; town/ward/commune.

3.2. Time: From April 15 to April 20, 2023.

Source: Ministry of Health

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