Apply ISO standards and cross-supervise to prevent negativity in registration

Negative changes in registration can cause unpredictable disasters. This is the reason for centers to strengthen negative prevention measures.

It is one of the few provinces without a center registry Privately operated, Hoa Binh currently has only one motor vehicle registration center under the Department of Transport licensed to operate. This is both an advantage and a challenge for those working in the field of vehicle inspection.

Áp dụng tiêu chuẩn iso, giám sát chéo để chống tiêu cực trong đăng kiểm

Overview diagram of the registration line according to international standards.

Engineer Trinh Thanh Cong - Director of Hoa Binh 28-01S Registration Center said: Hoa Binh is a mountainous province, adjacent to the west of the Red River Delta, with complex divided terrain. The population is only concentrated in a few urban areas, the rest lives sparsely in the districts. The total population of Hoa Binh is currently about 855,000 people, with the number of registered cars of all types being about 20,000 vehicles. Although Hoa Binh does not have a private registration center, the surrounding areas and areas bordering Hanoi, Ha Nam, Phu Tho, Son La, Ninh Binh... all have newly opened private centers, so We also suffered a lot of impacts.


According to engineer Cong, in a competitive context, the most important thing for a registration center is to do things right and provide good service. Doing it right means following the right process, complete steps and strictly implementing the provisions of law, guiding documents from the Ministry of Transport, Vietnam Register and local Departments. Good service is a way of serving customers, a commitment to quality, and factors that make customers feel satisfied when coming to the center.

Áp dụng tiêu chuẩn iso, giám sát chéo để chống tiêu cực trong đăng kiểm

With new lines and modern technology, Hoa Binh Registration Center is as competitive as any other center in both quality and service.

Engineer Cong also said: The advantage of the center is that it has just been invested in construction and moved to a new location (2020), so it has a spacious headquarters and spacious campus. In particular, there are 2 inspection lines: one line from Basebath is upgraded from an old line, the other line is purchased completely new. Equipment and technology are not inferior to any newly opened private center.

Mr. Hoang Van Quy (born 1968, employee of EVN PSC Hoa Binh Repair Service Center) has been a driver to shuttle workers at the center for decades, said: At the center I can drive many cars, But the Hyundai County BKS 29B-206.53 car manufactured in 2004 is the car I drive the most. This vehicle transports workers to perform electrical repairs across the country. Now that the car is old (checked every 3 months), for me every time I take it for an inspection is like taking the car to the garage for a routine check-up. If there is any disease or any detail that is not clear, I guarantee that I will be able to take it home to fix it right away. Every time the inspection is completed, I feel more secure when driving on the road.

Áp dụng tiêu chuẩn iso, giám sát chéo để chống tiêu cực trong đăng kiểm

The inspector checks the details under the vehicle

Mr. Quy, like many drivers present at the center, expressed confidence and satisfaction with the quality of service at the center. During the recording process at the center, the reporter noticed that although on the first Monday morning of the week, there were a large number of vehicles lining up, the inspectors in the line still did their work very meticulously. The steps of checking brakes, undercarriage, axles, side sliding, vibration... are done very carefully and take a lot of time.

Registrar Kim Ngoc Hieu (who has 9 years of experience as a car inspector) said: Once you have done the registration, you must do it well and do it carefully to ensure safety when the car goes out on the road. In addition, there are cameras everywhere, and data is also transmitted directly to the director's room and to the Vietnam Register, so everyone is aware of their responsibilities when performing operations.

Áp dụng tiêu chuẩn iso, giám sát chéo để chống tiêu cực trong đăng kiểm

Many times he brought his car here for inspection, Mr. Quy seemed very confident and satisfied with the quality of inspection.

“Now doing registration is less difficult. Previously, after the machine checked, the surveyor would enter the data into the computer. At this time, it is possible that the surveyor accidentally or intentionally entered the wrong number, leading to unbiased inspection results. Now, data from the testing machine is automatically transmitted to the computer, so humans cannot intervene. Therefore, inspection results are always accurate and objective. In particular, the center's information network system is connected to the network of the Vietnam Register, so it is always closely monitored...", engineer Hieu shared.

Another difference at this center is the application of ISO standards and cross-supervision to prevent negative corruption. Director Trinh Thanh Cong said: In addition to requiring each officer and employee in the center to raise their awareness of preventing corruption and negativity, the leaders of the Department and the center also continuously meet and thoroughly grasp their actions. me. In the center, we install cameras at all operational locations, check-in areas, yards... for inspection and supervision. At the same time, assign responsibility to the Line Head and the Administrative Organization Department to perform cross-supervision. The center also builds, applies and maintains a quality management system according to international standards ISO 9001.

Author: Van Thanh

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