Procedures for ships entering offshore oil ports and operating in Vietnamese waters

1. Procedure:

a) Submit administrative procedure documents:

– Before the ship arrives at the expected port location, the person carrying out the procedures sends the following information to the Maritime Authority where the ship arrives:

Notification of ship arrival at seaport (according to the General Declaration form): At least 08 hours before the ship arrives at the expected location of port; In case ships move between Vietnamese seaports or maritime areas not exceeding 20 nautical miles, at least 02 hours before the ship arrives at the port destination. Ships, military ships, ships with engines powered by nuclear energy, ships transporting radioactive substances, and ships arriving at the invitation of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam shall notify at least 24 hours. before the ship's estimated position arrives at the port.

– Confirmation of ship arrival at port:

+ Ships arriving at the port's expected location 02 hours earlier or later than the time stated in the notice of ship's arrival at the seaport must notify the Port Authority of the exact time the ship arrives at the expected location according to the form. ;

+ In case a ship has sick people, dead people, people rescued at sea or people hiding on board, the ship must notify the Port Authority of the exact time the ship will arrive at the expected location, information about name, age, nationality, medical condition, reason of death and other related requirements according to the form.

b) Resolving administrative procedures:

– The maritime port authority copies the documents that the person carrying out the procedures submits to relevant specialized state management agencies to carry out procedures for ships;

+ Maritime port authorities process and resolve documents for ships, certificates of professional qualifications of seafarers and are the final decision-making body for ships entering seaports;

+ Border guards handle and resolve documents for crew members, passengers, stowaways, people hiding on the ship and people getting on and off the ship;

– The maritime port authority dispatches the ship to the port after receiving all the required documents;

– At least 12 hours after returning to shore, the person completing the procedures is responsible for submitting all required documents. For documents that must be presented, submit a copy with the captain's signature and the ship's seal;

– The time limit for completing procedures for ships to enter offshore oil and gas ports and operate in Vietnamese waters is considered to end when the ship owner's agent submits complete documents to specialized state management agencies. documents according to regulations at the Maritime Port Authority headquarters.

2. How to do it:

– Send Notice of Ship Arrival, Ship Arrival Notice, records and documents of ships according to regulations by fax or email to the maritime port authority. After returning to shore, submit the required documents directly and present them at the Port Authority or the Port Authority Representative Office.

– In case of electronic procedures: the person doing the procedures declares and sends documents through the Electronic Information Portal and does not have to submit or present documents at the procedure location. In case the declaration documents sent through the Electronic Information Portal do not meet the conditions of electronic documents or there is not enough electronic data to check and compare, the person carrying out the procedures must submit and present them at the work location. procedure.

3. Components and quantity of documents:

a) Document components:

– Documents submitted in person or via fax or email:

+ General declaration;

+ Confirm ship arrival notice (if there is a change in arrival time according to regulations);

+ List of crew members.

– Documents that must be submitted (originals) after arriving ashore include:

+ Submit to the maritime port authority: General declaration according to the form; List of crew members according to form; Passenger list (if any) according to the form; Permit to leave port.

+ Submit to the Border Guard: List of crew members according to the form; Passenger list (if any) according to the form.

– Documents that must be presented to the Port Authority (submit a copy with the captain's confirmation signature and the ship's stamp), after arriving ashore include: Ship registration certificate, safety certificates Ship's technical specifications according to regulations, crew book, crew professional certificates according to regulations.

b) Number of documents: 01 set.

4. Time limit for resolution:

The time limit for completing procedures for ships to leave offshore oil ports and operate in Vietnamese waters is considered to end when the ship owner's agent submits to specialized state management agencies all documents and papers. sheets according to regulations at the Maritime Port Authority headquarters.

5. Subjects performing administrative procedures:

The person carrying out the procedures is: the ship owner or ship manager, charterer, ship operator, captain or person authorized to make declarations and carry out procedures according to the provisions of this Decree with the agencies. State management at seaports.

6. Agencies implementing administrative procedures:

a) Authority with decision-making authority: Port Authority or Port Authority Representative;

b) Authority or competent person authorized or decentralized to implement: None;

c) Agencies directly implementing administrative procedures:

– Maritime Port Authority or Maritime Port Authority Representative;

– Border guards;

d) Coordinating agency: Border guard.

7. Results of implementing administrative procedures:

Ship maneuvering plan.

8. Fees and charges:

– Types of fees:

+ Ship and boat tonnage fees: according to the fee schedule specified in Article 12 of Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated November 14, 2016 of the Minister of Finance;

+ Maritime security fee: according to the fee schedule specified in Article 13 of Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated November 14, 2016 of the Minister of Finance;

+ Fees for using mooring positions in water areas and water areas: according to the fee schedule specified in Article 14 of Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated November 14, 2016 of the Minister of Finance;

– Port entrance fee: according to regulations in Article 16 of Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated November 14, 2016 of the Minister of Finance.

9. Name of application form and administrative declaration form:

– General declaration;

– Confirmation of ship arrival at port;

– Crew list;

– Passenger list;

– Ship mobilization plan.

10. Requirements and conditions for implementing administrative procedures:

All types of ships are only allowed to enter offshore oil and gas ports and operate in Vietnamese waters when they meet the conditions for maritime safety, maritime security, environmental pollution prevention and other conditions according to the regulations. provisions of law.

11. Legal basis of administrative procedures:

– Vietnam Maritime Code dated November 25, 2015;

– Decree No. 58/2017/ND-CP dated May 10, 2017 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Vietnam Maritime Code on the management of maritime activities.

– Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated January 5, 2016 of the Minister of Finance regulating maritime fees and charges and the table of maritime fees and charges


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