Recommend solutions to improve position and operational efficiency in the Quality Measurement Standards industry

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The Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (Standards, Metrology and Quality) has developed a project for digital transformation of the STAMEQ industry. This is an important and difficult task, because switching to a new way of working requires changing perceptions and working methods...

This is one of the contents presented at the Workshop "Strengthening and promoting the work of STAMEQ in the coming period to serve socio-economic development and international integration" organized by the General Department of STAMEQ and QUALITY on December 5. April 2023, in Hanoi.

The workshop had the participation of more than 150 delegates representing ministries, central branches and localities; scientists and experts in the field of Quality Standards. Through the Workshop, documents and scientific arguments were discussed and analyzed, clarifying the role and value of the quality control industry; At the same time, propose directions and solutions that contribute to improving the position and operational efficiency of the General Department of STAMEQ and QUALITY in the context of strong global integration today.

One of the few industries that has developed 3 specialized Acts

Speaking at the opening of the Workshop, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Le Xuan Dinh said that along with the development of the country, STQD activities have gone through more than 60 years of construction and development, at the same time, recognizing and evaluating High praise for the generation of officials in the quality control industry who have overcome many difficulties and challenges, made good use of many opportunities to strengthen capacity and innovate operating methods, and absorb international experience to apply creativity to the situation. context of Vietnam, demonstrating the dynamism, sensitivity, and integration of science and technology with production practices and life of the country over time.

Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Le Xuan Dinh spoke at the opening of the Conference.

The Deputy Minister especially emphasized the role of the STAMEQ industry in the process of innovation, socio-economic development and integration of the country. STAMEQ is one of the few industries that has developed 3 specialized Laws (Law on Standards and Technical Regulations; Law on Measurement; Law on Product and Goods Quality) covering all 3 main aspects of the activities of the industry. branch. The system of documents guiding the implementation of the Law has been and is being completed, which is the basis for the State's unified management of standards and technical regulations, ensuring measurement, quality management and other activities. other related. The team of civil servants, public employees, and workers develops in both quantity and quality, with knowledge and skills that are regularly updated and improved.

In addition to the achieved results, Deputy Minister Le Xuan Dinh also raised shortcomings and limitations in STAMEQ activities such as: investment and development of technical organizations on STAMEQ is not synchronous; Quality control activities have not been considered an essential tool in the process of researching and mastering high technology, new technology, in the process of producing and using equipment in the defense and security industry...

At the Workshop, Deputy General Director in charge of the General Department of STAMEQ and Quality, Ha Minh Hiep, "Report on Evaluation of STAMEQ and Quality work in the past period and orienting tasks and solutions for the coming period". It focuses on 3 main contents: preliminary report on the current status of the Quality Control industry; some difficulties and limitations in the field of Quality Standards; Propose directions to improve the industry's operations.

The Deputy Director General in charge also especially emphasized the role of digital transformation in general and digital transformation of the Quality Standards industry in particular: "Accordingly, all digital data in the Quality Standards industry will become national data, because Therefore, we need to form mechanisms and sharing methods with the goal of effectively and thoroughly exploiting the above data warehouse."

Deputy General Director in charge of the General Department of STAMEQ and Quality Ha Minh Hiep reported at the Workshop.

Recommend solutions

Discussions related to amendments to the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations, the Law on Product and Goods Quality, Director of the Department of Standards and Regulation Conformity Assessment, General Department of STAMEQ Nguyen Mai Huong reported on "Some regulations Directions for amending the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations, the Law on Product and Goods Quality and related legal regulations". The report said that after 15 or 16 years of implementation, a number of issues have arisen that need to be studied, amended and supplemented in accordance with reality; especially the institutionalization and internalization of international commitments, especially free trade agreements (FTAs), creating a legal framework for standards and technical regulations, quality management, assess the suitability of Vietnam.

Director of the Department of Standards and Regulation Conformity Assessment Nguyen Thi Mai Huong reported at the Workshop.

The report recommends 7 directions for amending the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations, including: Promoting extensive international integration and fully implementing international commitments on transparency requirements; Develop a national standardization strategy; Enhance the effectiveness of conformity assessment activities; Promoting socialization in construction activities, building and applying standards; Complete regulations on principles, bases, and procedures for developing, appraising, announcing, promulgating, and applying TCVN, QCVN, and QCDP; Facilitate access to information about standards and technical specifications, while ensuring the effectiveness of standards management and exploitation activities; Improve the organizational and operational efficiency of TCVN technical committee, enhance coordination between ministries and localities; Have mechanisms and policies to attract and train human resources to operate in standards and technical regulations.

In the presentation on "Current status and orientation for developing service activities in the field of quality measurement standards", Mr. Tran Quoc Dung, Director of the Conformity Certification Center said, as of December 30 /2022, there will be 1,582 conformity assessment organizations granted certificates of registration of conformity assessment activities by ministries managing sectors and fields and the General Department of STAMEQ and QUALITY. The number of conformity assessment organizations in Vietnam is among the top in ASEAN. However, this activity also has some inadequacies that need to be adjusted such as: it is necessary to re-plan the quality standard service organization system to optimize social resources and best serve socio-economic development; Form and develop national accreditation organizations, national conformity assessment organizations, national inspection and calibration organizations; need focused and key investments; Unify management orientation for accreditation activities and recognition of conformity assessment results to serve state management to ensure implementation of new generation FTAs and international treaties...

Director of Conformity Certification Center Tran Quoc Dung reported at the Workshop.

Focus on 5 main activities

The Presidium moderated the discussion.

Speaking at the closing of the Workshop, Deputy Minister Le Xuan Dinh highly appreciated the sense of responsibility and enthusiasm as well as the contributions of the delegates. The Deputy Minister also noted that the STAMEQ industry needs to continue to focus on 5 main activities:

1. Continue to review and improve the legal basis and develop policies to develop quality assurance activities to ensure effective service for the country's socio-economic development. Organize and effectively deploy Projects approved by the Prime Minister (Projects 1322; 996; 100 to create many products and goods made in Vietnam with high productivity and quality).

2. Focus on developing resources, especially improving the capacity of civil servants, public employees, and workers in terms of expertise, skills, and techniques; Consolidate and reorganize the state management apparatus in the direction of unifying only one national focal point to perform state management tasks on quality standards from the central to local levels.

3. Build and develop a system of national standards and technical regulations in a synchronous direction, reaching an equal level, in harmony with international and regional standards, enough to serve management and production, business, trade, protecting national interests and legitimate rights of consumers.

4. Strengthen international cooperation activities on STAMEQ to promote cooperation with international and regional STAMEQ organizations.

5. Promote information, propaganda, education, training, consulting, and service activities on Quality Standards to spread, disseminate, and quickly propagate knowledge about Quality Standards to agencies, organizations, and businesses. businesses and individuals in society.

Source: Center for Science and Technology Communication Research and Development

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