General information

Time: 2022 Implementing unit: Department of Commerce of Guangdong province

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Time: 2021 Implementing unit: East Asia Business Council (EABC)

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Implementing the transparency obligation under the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) of the World Trade Organization, on November 16, 2020, China sent notification No. G/TBT/N /CHN/1522 for WTO member countries on the draft Regulations on registration of management of foreign food production enterprises imported into China. This regulation will currently have an unknown date of adoption and entry into force

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Packaging is an important element aimed at attracting Chinese consumers. Therefore, exporting lychees to China not only focuses on product quality, but packaging design also needs to be improved to make consumers more interested.

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Time: 2017 Implementing unit: Program "Support for Economic Cooperation for sub-regional initiatives in Asia (SCSI)" of the German Development Cooperation Organization (GIZ)

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China market profile August 2016 – VCCI

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Through market research, the Asia-Africa Market Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade would like to share some information related to banana market developments in China so that businesses and farmer households can understand and be proactive. regulate production and business activities

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Regulations on import and export

Time: May 2022 Implementing unit: Ministry of Industry and Trade

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Time: December 2020 Implementing unit: Department of Trade Promotion - Ministry of Industry and Trade

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Time: March 2020 Implementing unit: Support for Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia (SRECA) project of the German International Cooperation Organization (GIZ)

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Time: July 2019 Implementing unit: East Asia Business Council (EABC)

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Time: 2016 Implementing unit: International Image Marketing Association (PMA)

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Time: November 2018 Implementing unit: Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), German Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ)

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The Chinese State Council Tariff Commission recently announced the 2019 China Import and Export Tariff Schedule

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Some latest information about China's policy on importing Vietnamese agricultural products, including vegetables and fruits. At the same time, propose recommendations to best exploit this market.

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Similar to most other countries, China's domestic market often has many complicated regulations related to the import and trade of goods. In China, these regulations change frequently. This article summarizes import regulations in China to help readers better understand the complexities of exporting to this market.

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Look up tariffs

The General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) information portal provides online public services for customs declarants, businesses, carriers, customs officers and other subjects related to the General Administration of Customs.

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Time: November 2018 Implementing unit: Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), German Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ)

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This article provides a list of tariff lookup sources in China

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